地理雜誌攝影大賽自然組獲得大獎(Grand Prize)的這位得獎者,其作品命名為Splashing。 並在投稿時寫到,這張照片是在一場突如其來的大雨中拍攝, 當時的他真的不知道該不該繼續拍攝下去。
第一張 以下是我在此人Shikhei Goh相簿所看到一系列的照片有三張照片. .三隻蜻蜓.停留在三支不同的棍子.三隻蜻蜓的姿態相同.可見這是?三個場景. 讓人質疑是否為作者所敘述的.在投稿時寫到, 這張照片是在一場突如其來的大雨中拍攝, 當時的他真的不知道該不該繼續拍攝下去。
I've seen the 3 photos of Shikhei Goh in his photo album. The 3 dragonflies, stay on 3 different sticks. The 3 dragonflies' poses are the same. Were there 3 different settings? This makes the people doubt what the photographer wrote when he entered the competition, "The photo was taken in a sudden rain, at that time, I didn't know should I continue to shoot or not."
Shikhei Goh相簿所看到第三張照片.雨又細.又密.然後又從上
而下呈漏斗型的放射雨滴. 讓我感覺並非自然下雨的情景.很像噴水器所造成。
In Shikhei Goh's album, the 3rd photograph, the rain is thin with high density, it looks like funnel shape of radial rain drop, I think it was not natural rain, more like a sprinkler made of water.
第三張 以照片雨滴由左而右 成60度斜切 由於雨滴速度由風帶動. 可見當時風很大.雨滴應該會被吹離或形成風的走向的形狀.此照片的雨滴完整的半弧形的張力.讓人質疑是拍攝時是無風的。
You can see the rain in the photograph is from left to right, the angle is about 60 degree, it happens when the wind blow the rain. So it was very windy at that time, the rain drop on the dragonfly's feet should be blown away or formed the shapes according to the wind. The rain drops are perfect half-curved, makes me feel there wasn't any wind when the photo was
獲得大獎(Grand Prize)的這位得獎者,其實將其作品命名為Splashing。 並在投稿時寫到,這張照片是在一場突如其來的大雨中拍攝, 當時的他真的不知道該不該繼續拍攝下去。 如果這是一張利用人造景和虐待小動物所完成的作品而他卻說是自然拍攝的 欺騙評審所換來的金牌對於其他參賽者公平嗎? Grand Prize以一張得獎作品的很難看出拉. 還好還有三張其他的相同作品能夠比對. 說實在的他得獎國家地理攝影大賽自然組可能要跟改為非自然組了.